Starting position: Groupon was founded in Germany in 2008 under the name City Deal. The voucher portal provides a global marketing platform for companies. In 2012, Groupon was the fastest growing company ever. The sage 100 is used at the European headquarters in Berlin.
Solution: – Currently, more than 20 clients are managed. The integration via the smartXchange server includes the reconciliation of master data across multiple clients, the data import of transaction data from third-party systems(CRM and Groupon's own individual solutions). – Consolidation according to USGAAP. Consolidation takes place on a document-by-document basis. – For the release, control and booking of invoice receipts, the following is done via invoice receipt workflow
Result: – Uniform application for multiple sites – Synchronization (create a data set only once) – Consolidation – Keep up with growth and requirements – Implement new markets and projects quickly and securely